unsigned char hexData[14] = {
0x31, 0xC0, 0xBB, 0x42, 0x24, 0x80, 0x7C, 0x66,
0xB8, 0x88, 0x13, 0x50, 0xFF, 0xD3
void dummy(){}
int main()
void *code_ptr = &dummy;
call code_ptr
add code_ptr,10h
VirtualProtect(code_ptr, 14, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, OP);
memcpy(code_ptr, hexData, 14);
and in disassembly
003C11E0 jmp _LoadLibraryA@4 (03C1430h)
003C11E5 jmp dummy (03C1A80h)
003C11EA jmp _printf (03C1436h)
003C11EF jmp _VirtualProtect@16 (03C143Ch)
003C11F4 int 3
003C11F5 int 3
003C11F6 int 3
003C11F7 int 3
so it seems i can copy something 15 blocks after 003C11E5
but when i do that i get access Access violation error
I tried using VirtualAlloc like
void *code_ptr = &dummy;
memcpy(code_ptr, hexData, 14);
call code_ptr
and i got that error again
int (*func)();
func = (int (*)()) code;
that not working either
my IDE is VS2013 and my OS is win8.1
I would appreciate any ideas
Well, OP
is an uninitialized pointer. You cannot pass that to VirtualProtect
. Instead of
you need:
DWORD OldProtect;
And then pass &OldProtect
to VirtualProtect
VirtualProtect(code_ptr, 14, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, &OldProtect);
You existing code fails on the call to VirtualProtect
. You don't check for errors and so continue regardless. Then the call to memcpy
fails with a general protection fault, because the memory is read only.
Even if you fix your code, I doubt that it will work though. I see no reason for dummy
to be 14 bytes long. You are relying on luck and wishful thinking. So you will probably overwrite the code that you are executing.
If you want 14 bytes of memory to write your code to, call VirtualAlloc
. That way you can be certain of success.
As a piece of general advice, you will need to get into the habit of checking return values for errors. You call VirtualProtect
and ignore the return value. How do you know that your call to VirtualProtect
was successful?