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font-face disappear changing browser tabs

On Chrome (v. 32.0.1700.107) OSX, changing tabs, sometimes happen that the browser doesn't show me properly the font face. It shows me the default one (Times New Roman). If I go on rollover on those texts the font come back right.

is it a chrome bug?

I import the font face with sass and compass in this way:

+font-face("MavenPro200", font-files( "MavenPro/Light/mavenprolight-200-webfont.woff", "MavenPro/Light/mavenprolight-200-webfont.ttf", "MavenPro/Light/mavenprolight-200-webfont.svg", "MavenPro/Light/mavenprolight-200-webfont.eot"))

+font-face("MavenProMedium", font-files( "MavenPro/Medium/maven_pro_medium-webfont.woff", "MavenPro/Medium/maven_pro_medium-webfont.ttf", "MavenPro/Medium/maven_pro_medium-webfont.svg", "MavenPro/Medium/maven_pro_medium-webfont.eot"))

There is something wrong?


  • I have experienced this too, definitely a Chrome issue. It is a logged bug which is reportedly fixed in the beta version: