In Java Swing I have created a JTable
which uses a table model class which extends DefaultTableModel
. As the values of one row of the table are of boolean type, these are displayed as check-boxes. As I want to add to these check-boxes 'item listeners' classes, I do need to initialize each of these check-boxes. But how do I do if these are automatically created by the table model?
As these CheckBoxes change the underlying data, it should be sufficient to add a TableModelListener
and react to tableChanged
events of that column.
jTable1.getModel().addTableModelListener(new TableModelListener() {
final int YOUR_BOOLEAN_COLUMN = 1;
public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
if(e.getColumn() == YOUR_BOOLEAN_COLUMN) {
// get value from model (not affected if user re-orders columns)
TableModel tableModel = jTable1.getModel();
Boolean value =
(Boolean)tableModel.getValueAt(e.getFirstRow(), YOUR_BOOLEAN_COLUMN);