I have to convert an integer to find how many bits are required to represent that integer. Let say, integer value is 22. I know 5 bits are required to represent this integer. Is there any attribute in VHDL to do this? Important: The result should also be an integer, which should represent number of bits.
There is no VHDL attribute or function, but you can create a function like:
-- Returns number of bits required to represent val in binary vector
function bits_req(val : natural) return natural is
variable res_v : natural; -- Result
variable remain_v : natural; -- Remainder used in iteration
res_v := 0;
remain_v := val;
while remain_v > 0 loop -- Iteration for each bit required
res_v := res_v + 1;
remain_v := remain_v / 2;
end loop;
return res_v;
end function;
However, sometimes a ceil_log2
function is also useful, since that gives the number of required address bits based on entries in a memory map, and ceil_log2(val) = bits_req(val - 1)