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How can I use Kendo AutoComplete in Grid column

I'm trying to convert a Kendo UI grid column from a dropdown to an Kendo AutoComplete. I'm using an MVVM pattern and can't find any examples that like mine. Here is what I have so far:

In my viewModel:

viewModel = kendo.observable({
suggestedVendor: { "SuggestedVendor": "" },
suggestedVendorDropDownDataSource: new{
        ... returns a list of Suggested Vendors

suggestedVendorDropdownEditor: function (container, options) {

        var input = $("<input id='selecteditem' />");
        input.attr("SuggestedVendor", options.field);
            dataSource: this.suggestedVendorDropDownDataSource,
            dataTextField: "SuggestedVendor",
            dataValueField: "SuggestedVendor",
            dataBind:"value:' + options.field + '"


The field in my grid:

{ field: "SuggestedVendor", 
  title: "Suggested Vendor", 
  editor: viewModel.suggestedVendorDropdownEditor, 
  template: "#= (data.SuggestedVendor == null) ? '' : data.SuggestedVendor #" },

I can enter the suggested vendor field and it seems to act like an autocomplete but never returns and data. I can try and create a fiddle if the problem is not immediately obvious.


I figured out how to do what I needed with the help of a fiddle I found. I forked it and although the fields are different, it does what I needed. Here is the fiddle I forked to.

I ended up changing my editor code like so:

 suggestedVendorDropdownEditor: function (container, options) {
        $('<input id= "selectedItem" data-bind="value: ' + options.field + ' "/>')
                dataSource: viewModel.suggestedVendorDropDownDataSource,
                dataTextField: "SuggestedVendor",
                dataValueField: "SuggestedVendor"

      var autoComplete =$("#selectedItem").data("kendoAutoComplete");



  • I got it figured out after getting advice from the comment by Lars. Here is the code:

    suggestedVendorDropdownEditor: function (container, options) {
        $('<input id= "selectedItem" data-bind="value: ' + options.field + ' "/>')
                dataSource: viewModel.suggestedVendorDropDownDataSource,
                dataTextField: "SuggestedVendor",
                dataValueField: "SuggestedVendor"
      var autoComplete =$("#selectedItem").data("kendoAutoComplete");