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C++Builder 5 Set TDBChart Series Visible

Does anyone know how you can configure the visibility of a TeeChart Series programmatically in C++? I can't seem to find the right proprety using the auto completion.

I basically want to set Series1 visible at certain times and Series2 invisible, and the other way round following different conditions.

What I basically want is something to this effect :

Series1->Visible = false;
Series2->Visible = true;

except that this doesn't work.

If anyone could help, that would be greatly appreciated.



  • Found the answer to my own question. The property is "Active" - don't know why I didn't think of it before.

    C++ :

    Series1->Active = False;
    Series2->Active = True;

    EDIT : Beware, even if you change the title of your series, the "real" name to use in this code will probably still be Series1/2/... . This is because every Series you create (by right clicking on the TDBChart->Chart->Series->Add) creates a TBarSerie which seemingly can only be accessed from the Object inspector. The title you give it doesn't affect its real name.

    Thanks for your comment, Narcis Calvet.