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alternative to "!is.null()" in R

my R code ends up containing plethora of statements of the form:

if (!is.null(aVariable)) { 
     do whatever 

But this kind of statement is hard to read because it contains two negations. I would prefer something like:

 if (is.defined(aVariable)) { 
      do whatever 

Does a is.defined type function that does the opposite of !is.null exist standard in R?

cheers, yannick


  • You may be better off working out what value type your function or code accepts, and asking for that:

    if (is.integer(aVariable))
      do whatever

    This may be an improvement over isnull, because it provides type checking. On the other hand, it may reduce the genericity of your code.

    Alternatively, just make the function you want:

    is.defined = function(x)!is.null(x)