To begin with I would like to say sorry for long post, and I really appreciate those who still look into my problem.
I have a controller that should return a json-response with a structure like:
result: [
key: value,
key: value,
key: value,
key: [
key: value,
key: value,
key: value
However I have problems getting the Writes to work as I want.
Note. I will add comments under the line where I have problem.
object APIController extends Controller {
def feed() = Action {
val objects = repo.getObjects().toList
Ok(Json.toJson(Json.obj("result" -> Class_1.apply(objects).result)))
first off, if I don't make a Json.obj("result" -> List[objects])
the result key isn't shown in the JSON-result. If I add a Writer for that I get errors saying that the List[objects] must have a Writer. But if I write it like above it doesn't need a Writer for the List[objects]
case class Class_1 (result: Seq[Class_2])
object Class_1 {
def apply(objs: List[Object]) = {
var result:ListBuffer[Class_2] = ListBuffer[Class_2]()
for(obj <- objs) feedResult += Class_2.apply(code)
new Class_1(result.toList)
*this is where I would put the Writer for Class_1. But if I do this like
implicit val class1Writer = new Writes[Class_1] {
override def writes(o: Class_1): JsValue = Json.obj("result" -> o.result)
I get the problems I mentioned earlier, that I suddenly need a Writes for a List[objects] of that type*
case class Class_2 (id: Long, id2: Long, listOfStuff: Seq[Class_3])
object Class_2 {
def apply(obj: Object) = {
var items: ListBuffer[Class_3] = ListBuffer[Class_3]()
for(obj1 <- obj.getListOfStuff()) items += Class_3.apply(obj1)
new Class_2(obj.firstID, obj.secID, items.toList)
implicit val class2Writes = new Writes[Class_2] {
override def writes(o: Class_2): JsValue = {
"id" ->,
"id2" -> o.id2,
"items" -> o.listOfStuff
*the "items" -> o.listOfStuff
says it needs a Writes
for a List[types in the list]
but I have a Writes for the objects in the list (Class_3) and I don't need a Writes
for when serializing a list of objects from Class_2, why is it behaving like this?*
case class Class_3 (id: Long, text: String)
object Class_3 {
def apply(obj: Object) = {
new Class_3(, obj.funnyText)
implicit val class3Writer = new Writes[Class_3] {
override def writes(o: Class_3): JsValue = {
"id" ->,
"text" -> o.text
The error I get from this code is:
No Json deserializer found for type Seq[Class_3]. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.
[error] "items" -> o.listOfStuff
[error] ^
If I remove this line in the Writes it compiles and works. And I think that's weird since the first list I serialize doesn't have a Writer, only for the objects in the list.
Does anyone know why it behaves like this? What should I do to accomplish what I'm after? (I hope you see what I'm trying to do)
Thanks in advance.
Just put the
implicit val class3Writer
ahead ofclass2Writes