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Toggle checkboxes in a checkboxgroup

I have checkbox group which are 8 checkbox elements available ( days of week). When an user click the "ALL" checkbox, I want to toggle all checkboxes. I tried to use change event of checkboxgroup but change event fires only while page loading. Is there any method or event in order to make such a thing?

xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
id: 'cb-work-days',
labelWidth: '280px',
inputWidth: 250,
width: 530,
columns: 4,
vertical: true,
margin: '0 0 15 0',
items: [
    {boxLabel: 'PZT', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '1'},
    {boxLabel: 'SAL', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '2'},
    {boxLabel: 'ÇAR', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '4'},
    {boxLabel: 'PER', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '8'},
    {boxLabel: 'CUM', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '16'},
    {boxLabel: 'CTS', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '32'},
    {boxLabel: 'PAZ', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '64'},
    {boxLabel: 'ALL', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '128'}
listeners: {
    change: function(cb, newValue) {
        var val = parseInt(newValue['PROMO_WEEK_DAY']);
        var cbs = Ext.getCmp('cb-work-days').getBoxes();

        if (val == 128) {
            Ext.Array.each(cbs, function(cb) {
                // cb.setValue(!cb.getValue());

Working Example

xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
id: 'cb-work-days',
labelWidth: '280px',
inputWidth: 250,
width: 530,
columns: 4,
vertical: true,
margin: '0 0 15 0',
items: [
    {boxLabel: 'PZT', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '1'},
    {boxLabel: 'SAL', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '2'},
    {boxLabel: 'ÇAR', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '4'},
    {boxLabel: 'PER', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '8'},
    {boxLabel: 'CUM', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '16'},
    {boxLabel: 'CTS', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '32'},
    {boxLabel: 'PAZ', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '64'},
        boxLabel: 'ALL', 
        inputValue: '128',
        listeners: {
            change: function(cb, checked) {
                var boxes = cb.up().query('checkbox:not([inputValue=128])');
                if (checked) {
                    Ext.each(boxes, function(box) {
                } else {
                    Ext.each(boxes, function(box) {


  • Listen for the change event of the checkbox itself:

        xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        id: 'cb-work-days',
        fieldLabel: 'PROMOSYON GÜNLERİ',
        labelWidth: '280px',
        inputWidth: 250,
        width: 530,
        columns: 4,
        vertical: true,
        margin: '0 0 15 0',
        items: [
            {boxLabel: 'PZT', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '1'},
            {boxLabel: 'SAL', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '2'},
            {boxLabel: 'ÇAR', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '4'},
            {boxLabel: 'PER', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '8'},
            {boxLabel: 'CUM', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '16'},
            {boxLabel: 'CTS', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '32'},
            {boxLabel: 'PAZ', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '64'},
            {boxLabel: 'ALL', name:'PROMO_WEEK_DAY', inputValue: '128',
                listeners: {
                    change: function(cb, checked) {
                        if (checked) {
                            var boxes = cb.up().query('checkbox:not([inputValue=128])');
                            Ext.each(boxes, function(box) {

    And... You meant 127 for your "all" value, not 128... Didn't you?