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Loop for string entry and reversal

I am trying to receive a string, cut off the first letter, place it at the end of the string, and compare it to the original input. For some words it works and others it does not. I am not sure if this is a problem with the loop or what?

import java.util.*;
    public class Palin{

        public static void main(String args[])
          String original,input;
          Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

          System.out.println("Enter word and I will tell you if it has the property of a palindrome: ");
          original = sc.nextLine();
          char firstLetter = original.charAt(0);
          input = original.substring(1);
          input = input + firstLetter;
          StringBuilder input2=new StringBuilder(input).reverse();
          String s2=new String(input2);


                System.out.println(original + " is a Palindrome");
                System.out.println(original + " is not a Palindrome");
                System.out.println("Enter another word. Or enter \"quit\" to end");
                original = sc.nextLine();
            } while (!(original.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")));




  • I think I just had to cleanup references and location of the do-while. Thanks for the help.!


    Enter word and I will tell you if it has the property of a palindrome: Palindrome Palindrome does not have a Palindrome property Enter another word. Or enter "quit" to end uneven uneven has a Palindrome property Enter another word. Or enter "quit" to end banana banana has a Palindrome property Enter another word. Or enter "quit" to end dresser dresser has a Palindrome property Enter another word. Or enter "quit" to end quit

    Revised code below.

    import java.util.*; public class Palin{

            public static void main(String args[])
              String original,input;
              Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
              System.out.println("Enter word and I will tell you if it has the property of a      palindrome: ");
              original = sc.nextLine();
              char firstLetter = original.charAt(0);
              input = original.substring(1);
              input = input + firstLetter;
              StringBuilder input2=new StringBuilder(input).reverse();
              String s2=new String(input2);
                    System.out.println(original + " has a Palindrome property");
                    System.out.println(original + " does not have a Palindrome property");
                    System.out.println("Enter another word. Or enter \"quit\" to end");
                    original = sc.nextLine();
                } while (!(original.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")));