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Rendering a control to HTML without __VIEWSTATE

I'm using a web service to get and render a GridView to HTML. The idea is to generate it asynchronously (to generate the data in a hidden row for an expandable grid, for example).

public static string ExpandRowService(string contextKey)
        long recId = long.Parse(contextKey);
        return RenderControlToHtml("/Controls/SubGrid.ascx", recId);
    catch (Exception)
        return "";

public static string RenderControlToHtml(string controlPath, params object[] constructorParams)
    var page = new Page
        EnableEventValidation = false,
        EnableViewState = false,
    var form = new HtmlForm
        EnableViewState = false

    var control = page.LoadControl(controlPath, constructorParams);

    return page.RenderControl();

The problem is that rendering to HTML like that needs a dummy form to render into, and that dummy form has a __VIEWSTATE hidden input:

<form method="post" action="ExpandRowService" id="ctl00">
<div class="aspNetHidden">
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="" />

On postback after any other action, there are more than one __VIEWSTATE variables and that's obviously a no-no.

How can I force rendering of a control to HTML without the accursed __VIEWSTATE hiden input?


I'm using a GridView and not making a table from scratch because I need its data binding capabilities to set various styles (for example: mark negative amounts in red).


  • It appears that it is not possible to generate the control with LoadControl into a form (required) and not have a __VIEWSTATE.

    I made my own TableWriter, and did some rowbinding to it. Best I could do.