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jQuery: window.opener makes a difference

I'm working on localhost (so would expect to not have any domain-related probs as here).

On a page I'm using a bit of JS to modify the content of a span in the opening-window. It does not work. When checking my code to find the control, it works (using FF dev-tools calling my Increment-function or checking the console.log-output): $('#uploads_Count')returns an object of type HTMLSpanElement. However, trying to access the same control from an opened window's console with window.opener.$('#uploads_Count'), this returns an HTML-Document, seemingly the entire page. Why is this not working, what am I missing here?

Here is function that is supposed to increment the counter contained in the span whose id is given as argument:

function Increment(ctrl)
   var gef = $("#" + ctrl);
   if (!gef) // did not find control, maybe on opener?
      gef = window.opener.$("#" + ctrl);

   cnt = parseInt(gef.text() , 10);

The HTML is trivial:

<span id="uploads_Count">0</span>


  • Found it!

    The way I checked if the control was found, was wrong. Instead of if (!gef)I should have used if (!gef.length). Found the explanation here.