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How to get username of currently-logged-in user

I am trying to get session parameters, e.g. user name, from a logged-in session in the Teamcenter 8 rich client using Java (and Eclipse).

public class SampleHandler extends AbstractHandler
    public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException
        // good, but useless
        IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event);
        // wrong
        AbstractAIFSession a = AIFUtility.getSessionManager().getDefaultSession();
        // wrong
        AbstractAIFUIApplication app = AIFUtility.getCurrentApplication();
        TCSession session = (TCSession)app.getSession();

        // wrong
        ISessionService iss = AifrcpPlugin.getSessionService();
        session = (TCSession)iss.getSession("com.teamcenter.rac.kernel.TCSession");

        return null;

That snippet is taken from code that compiled, and when I run my plugin and try invoking some method in the AIFUtility class, AifrcpPlugin throws an exception.

Does anyone know how to get the user name of the current session?


  • You can use AIFUtility.getCurrentApplication().getSession() to get the current session, and session.getUserName() to get the username of the currently-logged-in user.

    AbstractAIFSession session = AIFUtility.getCurrentApplication().getSession();
    String username = session.getUserName();
    String registry = session.getRegistry();