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csplit - what am I doing wrong?

I have this .xml file:

Some text
here some
text here

I am trying to use csplit in order to get only the text parts. This is what I came up with.

$ csplit docs.xml '%^<docs>%1' '/^<\/doc/1' '{*}'


  • if the file structure like the one you included you can extract the content by doing grep -v "^<" x or more conveniant approach cat x|sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g'|grep -v '^$' or to do it the csplit way based on the comments below you can do it lik this

    cat doc.xml | egrep -v '<?xml version="1.0" \?>|<docs>|</docs>' | csplit -q -z - '/<doc/' '{*}' --prefix=out-