I have two models: 'A' and 'B', and want to search objects from both of them using Thinking sphinx, but I want all results of model 'A' first and then 'B'. How can I do that? I pass the following options to sphinx query
{:match_mode=>:extended, :sort_mode=>:extended, :star=>true, :order=>"@relevance DESC", :ignore_errors=>true, :populate=>true, :per_page=>10, :retry_stale=>true, :classes => [A,B]}
And then get search results using:
ThinkingSphinx.search "*xy*", options
But it gives results in mixed ordering, whereas I need all 'A' objects first. How can I do that?
The easiest way is to add an attribute to both models' indices:
has "1", :as => :sort_order, :type => :integer
The number within the string should be different per model. And then your :order
argument becomes:
:order => 'sort_order ASC, @relevance DESC'