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How to work with postgresql JSON where keys are arbitrary?

I have a JSON field c1 in a table t1 which is of form

 "11111" : { "STATUS" : "1"},
 "22222" : { "STATUS" : "0"},
 "33333" : { "STATUS" : "0"}

I want find those row of t1 in which any keys status is 1, I have tried below command

with r1 as(select t1.*, json_object_keys(c1) as keys from t1) select * from r1 where r1.c1->keys->>'STATUS' = '1'; 

but it is not giving me any row?


  • select *
    from t1
    where exists (
        select 1
        from json_each(c1)
        where value ->> 'STATUS' = '1'