I am building an app that incorporates Postmark App's Incoming Email capability to keep a threaded list of replies to an email. Their documentation suggests adding the post ID to the reply-to address - for example reply+POSTID@domain.com
. However, when I attempt to use this method with cPanel, the emails are bounced back.
I have reply@domain.com
set up, without adding the post ID the email is forwarded to the Postmark App inbox address, adding the ID breaks it. Is there any way to do this in a WHM/cPanel environment? It is a VPS account so I have full access if there is another way to tackle this.
Are the messages bounced back from Postmark or is it a cpanel error? I can probably help you out there! Do you have an MX record setup for Inbound via http://developer.postmarkapp.com/developer-inbound-mx.html ? Once you have that going Postmark will accept messages from any address on that domain and parse off the addresses with + chars in them. Are we sure cpanel can handle email addresses with special characters?