I had a text area that has been replaced by ckeditor. I had some jquery to listen to the textarea input:
$('.formanswer').keyup(function () {
LimitText($(this), $(this).attr('data-maxlength'));
the limit text method just limits the text input.
so now the text area tag looks like this:
<textarea class="formanswer" rows="10" cols="2" id="response_<%: animal.AnimalId.ToString() %>" name="animalresponse" data-maxlength="<%: animal.AnimalMaxLength.ToString() %>"><%: animal.AnimalResponse %></textarea>
I am trying to do the same thing but with the the ckeditor... I have had a look at the documentation: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_jquery
I tried a few different things to have that event on the editor instance but it hasn't worked...I am using the javascript implenentation, not the asp net one.
given the name of the CKEditor is: editor the solutions is:
var e = CKEditor.instances['editor']
e.on( 'keyup', function( event ) {
alert( e.getData() );
in this particular solution, I am just alerting the contents of the editor.