I've read about abstract factory patter on wiki. But I don't understand really profit by using this pattern. Can you get an example in which is hard to avoid abstract factory pattern. Consider the following Java code:
public abstract class FinancialToolsFactory {
public abstract TaxProcessor createTaxProcessor();
public abstract ShipFeeProcessor createShipFeeProcessor();
public abstract class ShipFeeProcessor {
abstract void calculateShipFee(Order order);
public abstract class TaxProcessor {
abstract void calculateTaxes(Order order);
// Factories
public class CanadaFinancialToolsFactory extends FinancialToolsFactory {
public TaxProcessor createTaxProcessor() {
return new CanadaTaxProcessor();
public ShipFeeProcessor createShipFeeProcessor() {
return new CanadaShipFeeProcessor();
public class EuropeFinancialToolsFactory extends FinancialToolsFactory {
public TaxProcessor createTaxProcessor() {
return new EuropeTaxProcessor();
public ShipFeeProcessor createShipFeeProcessor() {
return new EuropeShipFeeProcessor();
// Products
public class EuropeShipFeeProcessor extends ShipFeeProcessor {
public void calculateShipFee(Order order) {
// insert here Europe specific ship fee calculation
public class CanadaShipFeeProcessor extends ShipFeeProcessor {
public void calculateShipFee(Order order) {
// insert here Canada specific ship fee calculation
public class EuropeTaxProcessor extends TaxProcessor {
public void calculateTaxes(Order order) {
// insert here Europe specific tax calculation
public class CanadaTaxProcessor extends TaxProcessor {
public void calculateTaxes(Order order) {
// insert here Canada specific tax calculation
If we need to just create objects in a code below 1-2 times in a code then we can use just new operator. And why we need in abstract factory?
You are missing half of the work :)
void processOrder(FinancialToolsFactory ftf,Order o) {
this code works as well as you pass a canadian or european implementation of FinancialToolsFactory
(you can externalize the implementor class to external resource and instantiate with a Class.newInstance(), for example).
In this case one of the real benefits of pattern usage is not writing the code that implements the pattern, but who use that code!
PS: My answer is intentionally incomplete and try to answer just this specific question; a discussion about pattern and their benefits is too big!