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Patch process for httpunit

I would like to know the currently practiced procedure in patching httpunit.

I saw in this thread Is HttpUnit deprecated / inactive / not supported? that Russell has put the httpunit source to his github repo.

The FAQ note for httpunit still talks about the svn repo at sourceforge for patching.

If I have a patch, should I use the svn repo and attach the patch to the ticket to source forge's issue tracking or use the repo at github and send a pull request there?

Thanks. Regards, aki


  • My name is Wolfgang Fahl and I am one of the committers of httpunit. Thank you for pointing out that the FAQ is outdated regarding the usage of subversion - I am going to fix the FAQ.

    The pull request approach seems like a reasonable way to proceed. You might want to make sure that you add

    • a Junit Test - that shows your change is necessary -- the test should fail before the change and all other tests should succeed -- the test should succeed after the change and all other tests should succeed
    • and the change in the source code

    To get the current source code of httpunit you may clone it via:

    git clone

    if you do a

    mvn test

    the result should like

    Results : Tests run: 822, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 8

    With 822/8 being the number of tests as of 2014-02-11 that are executed/skipped. The Failures should be 0.

    Please feel free to add a link to your patch / your pull request here. I appreciate that you are using stackoverflow as a platform for this communication and I hope more of the httpunit users and developers will do so in the future.