I am using IntelliJ Idea 12 and 13. We don't have sources so we need to decompile byte code to understand the logic.
I have installed jd-intelliJ plugin, it seems it works fine, but I don't have an ability to put a breakpoint in decompiled code.
I've tried to use JAD plugin before, but the decompiled code is so ugly when I use this plugin. Also I've tried to decompile jar file by jd-GUI, put it into my maven repository and used it to debug in IntelliJ, it also doesn't work correctly.
Is there any way to use good decompiler like JD and debug it in my Idea IDE?
The latest version of JD-GUI have an ability to realign line numbers. (Help->Preferences)
When the line numbers is aligned correctly there shouldn't be a problem with debugging the source that is attached in your maven project.