I am using the Gmaps4rails gem to build a map around one central location. I am using check boxes to allow the user to show/hide nearby place markers, restaurants, schools etc. The issue is that if I display a category, then hide it again, and then zoom in or out, those markers will re-appear, even though they had previously been hidden.
My issue is similar to this question, though I have not been able to solve it. I wonder if anyone else could tell me where I am going wrong. My CoffeeScript is as follows.
google_map1_handler = null
google_map1_markers = []
$ ->
$('#map-tab').click (e) ->
unless google_map1_handler?
markers_data = $('#map1').data('markers')
markers = []
handler = Gmaps.build('Google', { markers: { maxRandomDistance: null } })
handler.buildMap { provider: { zoom: 15 }, internal: {id: 'map1'} }, ->
$.each markers_data, (i, marker) ->
if marker.type == 'Property'
markers.push handler.addMarker( marker )
handler.map.centerOn({ lat: marker['lat'], lng: marker['lng'] })
$('.map-checkbox').prop('checked', false)
google_map1_handler = handler
google_map1_markers = markers
# Hide and show map markers with key checkboxes
$('.map-checkbox').click (e) ->
keywords = []
$('.map-checkbox').each (i, el) ->
keywords.push el.id if el.checked == true
toggleMapMarkers = (keywords) ->
markers_data = $('#map1').data('markers')
handler = google_map1_handler
markers = google_map1_markers
# clear old markers
_.each markers, (marker, i) ->
markers.length = 0
_.each markers_data, (marker, i) ->
if marker.type == 'Property' or marker.type in keywords
markers.push handler.addMarker(marker)
google_map1_markers = markers
Basically, when you use a clusterer, it stores all markers.
When you zoom out, it sets their map to null
and adds cluster pics.
When you zoom in, it removes the cluster pic and sets the map again in the markers.
So when you do marker.setMap(null)
, it's not enough: you have to remove the markers from the clusterer too!
_.each markers, (marker, i) ->
But I also needed this scenario, so just do:
_.each markers, (marker, i) ->
Or even: