This is 1 step further than this question.
I have a view model with nullable child property, like in before-mentioned question
var data = [{ id: 0, child: { prop1 : 'a', prop2 : 'b' } } //Child object has data
,{ id: 0, child: null } ]; // Child object is null
Now I want to use update callback of mapping plugin, and do this as follows:
var mappingOptions = {
child: {
create: function(options) {
if (!
return null;
return ko.mapping.fromJS(;
update: function(options) {
if (!
return null;
// some update logic...
return; // this is also null in case is null
Now, when the is null, I get an error in console "Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function", pointing to this code in mapping plugin:
if (hasUpdateCallback()) {
where mappedRootObject is undefined.
So what should I return from update callback in case is null?
Well, in case someone else will face the same issue, I've just updated ko.mapping plugin javascript as follows:
if (hasUpdateCallback() && mappedRootObject) {
So, I check for existense of mappedRootObject before updating it. Although it worked fine, I've figured out a way, how to avoid update callback in my project at all, so this fix became useless to me, unfortunately.