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Xcode, how to retrieve developer ID for distribution outside mac store?

I have already published my app on mac store, now I want to distribute my app outside Mac Store.

I am following this tutorial by apple.

Here I am requesting for a Developer ID certificate, in Xcode->preferences->accounts->view details.

When I select the Developer ID option after clicking on the little + icon, I get following error.

enter image description here

I have Developer ID Certification Authority intermediate certificate in my keychain which is needed for Developer IDs

The tutorial also says> Only a team agent can request Developer ID certificates. If you’re an individual developer, you’re the team agent and can request these certificates.

You can see in the screenshot below, that I am an admin, so thats not an issue as well, what am I doing wrong?

enter image description here

I am not quite sure if its relevant, but upon exploring on Mac developer ceriticates, I found out that download button on Developer ID cert was disabled. So I am thinking I must have forgot to create a developer ID, also the expiry of that cert is 2018, which seems weird.

So If at all i have not created the Developer ID for some reason, how do I create those?

enter image description here


  • So, admin of the team cannot request for developer IDs, only agent can request for developer IDs for distribution outside mac store.