I'm trying to install uglifyjs on my computer from local folders.
I downloaded all dependencies of uglifyjs, including dependencies of dependencies, and they are all available in my folder C:\npm\node_modules
I'm working on Windows XP, and when I'm trying to install uglify-js from \node_modules\uglify-js
using the command npm install -g node_modules\uglify-js
(global because I'm on a Windows machine, to be able then to execute uglifyjs using the command: uglifyjs -o output.js input.js
) it's trying to download dependencies from Internet (I can't because I'm under a security proxy, that's why I downloaded all dependencies manually)
I tried to install all dependencies manually, it seems to work fine though
npm list
This is all folders on my node_modules folder
I installed uglify-js without global command -g
, it worked fine
But when I execute the uglifyjs command node C:\npm\node_modules\.bin\uglifyjs output.js input.js
, I have this error:
Do you have any suggestion?
If those are backticks wrapping your dirname, try changing them to single quotation marks:
basedir='dirname "$0"'
instead of
basdir=`dirname "$0"`