I have data in an XML file that I display in a dataGrid. (WPF, C#, VisualStudio 2013) One of the columns is numeric data. When I sort the column, it seems like it is translating it as alpha instead of numeric, though I have tried to specify that column as numeric...
XAML for dataGrid:
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Elements[Record]}"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="Auto"
VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
Binding="{Binding Element[Name].Value}"/>
Binding="{Binding Element[Rank].Value, StringFormat={}{0:N}}"/>
XMLfile 'ranks.xml':
<Ranks xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">
<Name> A </Name>
<Rank dt:dt="number"> 85 </Rank>
<Name> C </Name>
<Rank dt:dt="number"> 105 </Rank>
<Name> B </Name>
<Rank dt:dt="number"> 95</Rank>
C# code to load the xml file:
var xml = XDocument.Load("Resources/ranks.xml").Root;
dataGridRanks.DataContext = xml;
What I want when I click on the column header to sort Rank is:
A 85
B 95
C 105
C 105
B 95
A 85
And what I get:
C 105
A 85
B 95
B 95
A 85
C 105
I have unsuccessfully tried both with and without the Stringformat or the dt:dt="number". I have tried Stringformat=N as well as StringFormat={}{0:N}.
What am I missing? It seems like this should be simple...
Since Element value attribute
is of type string
. So column type is of string hence default comparer of string is getting used here.
And StringFormat
won't work here since it won't change the type of binded property. It's just used for formatting string on GUI.
I would suggest to create anonymous type at runtime and bind it with that where your Rank
property will of be of type int
so that default comparer of int gets used.
var xml = XDocument.Load("database.xml").Root;
dataGridRank.ItemsSource = xml.Elements("Record")
.Select(e => new { Name = e.Element("Name").Value,
Rank = Convert.ToInt32(e.Element("Rank").Value) });
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="Auto"
VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Name"
Binding="{Binding Name}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Rank"
Binding="{Binding Rank}"/>