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Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library not Found in the sdk Manager

I am trying to implement a push notification solution for android.I am following the steps given in the following tutorial

but when i tried to install the Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library using the android sdk(i am using the latest sdk) i don't find it the extras module like you can see in this picture

enter image description here

This is really strange. Is there any solution?


  • Install Google Play Services Library

    enter image description here

    For client side implementation of GCM use this link

    For server side purposes follow the tutorial

    Pls note that the tutorial explains how you can send messages to individual devices using the registration id and not to all devices at one go.


    I observed that still some people are using the deprecated library - GCM for android.

    "Google Cloud Messaging for Android" is deprecated and no more used.GCM API's are now available as part of "Google Play Services".

    Eventhough @anubhav's answer is correct for the asked question it is not recommended.