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How can I create a Global FileInputStream object, which will be available to access from other class within in my project?

What I wanted to do is create a global FileInputStream object and use it a long of my application.

I have the follow class which create my FileInputStream objec and return the result of my query over the XML file:

package Engine;

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import com.ximpleware.AutoPilot;
import com.ximpleware.VTDException;
import com.ximpleware.VTDGen;
import com.ximpleware.VTDNav;

public class BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD {
  public String query;
   public String path;
    public BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD(String query, String path) {
     this.query = query;
     this.path = path;
public ArrayList query() throws IOException, VTDException {
    File f = new File(path);
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    byte[] xmlContent = new byte[(int) f.length()];;
    VTDGen vg = new VTDGen();
    VTDNav vn = vg.getNav();
    AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn);
    int node = 0;
    int i;
    ArrayList<String> interfaces = new ArrayList<String>();
    while ((i = ap.evalXPath()) != -1) {
        interfaces.add(vn.toString(i + 1));
    return interfaces;

This class is called from my main class which has a loop.

 for (int c = 0; c < nodeNames.size(); c++) {
 String Queries2 = "/import_data/group/node[@name='" +nodeNames.get(c) + "']/interface/@network_value";
 BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD getNodesInterfaces = new BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD(Queries2, TransitPath);
 listOfNodeInterfaces = getNodesInterfaces.query();

It's working fine, however in order to reduce the consume of IO resource over my server HD. I would like to create an unique FileInputStream object and use it for each query whcih has to be executed.

Could somebody point out the way to do it?


  • Separate your concerns - BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD is both loading the data and executing the query.

    First load the file into a byte[] outside your loop, then pass it to BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD. You might also want to pass the query as an argument to the query method.

    You'll end up with a BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD that looks like this (with the disclaimer that I'm not familiar with VTD-XML, so this might the creation of objects from that API might not work exactly like this):

    public class BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD 
      private byte[] doc;
      public BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD(byte[] doc) 
        this.doc = doc;
      public List<String> query(String query) throws IOException, VTDException 
        VTDGen generator = new VTDGen();
        VTDNav navigator = generator.getNav();
        AutoPilot autoPilot = new AutoPilot(navigator);
        List<String> nodeInterfaces = new ArrayList<String>();
        int i;
        while ((i = autoPilot.evalXPath()) != -1) 
          nodeInterfaces.add(navigator.toString(i + 1));
        return nodeInterfaces;

    That you can then call like:

    byte[] xmlContent = ... //load the xml from anywhere you like, not just a file as previously.
    BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD getNodesInterfaces = new BACENGQueryXMLbyVTD(xmlContent);
    for (String nodeName : nodeNames) 
      String query = "/import_data/group/node[@name='" + nodeName + "']/interface/@network_value";
      nodeInterfaces = getNodesInterfaces.query(query);

    You might also want to switch to the standard Java XPATH APIs - they're a lot clearer and better documented than VTD-XML.