I have a need to use a CellList that flows horizontally, like this:
This is traditional celllist (showing vertically) Page 1 2 3 .... I want it to show horizontally like this: Page 1 2 3 ......
I found a solution, but some people said that this solution is not so good cos it modifies the html tag (by replacing all <div>
to <span>
) of the Widget.
public class HorizontalCellList<T> extends CellList<T> {
public HorizontalCellList(Cell<T> cell) {
protected void renderRowValues(
SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
SafeHtmlBuilder filteredSB = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
super.renderRowValues(filteredSB, values, start, selectionModel);
SafeHtml safeHtml = filteredSB.toSafeHtml();
String filtered = safeHtml.asString().replaceAll("<div", "<span").replaceAll("div>","span>");
Then they suggest me to use Css to achieve the same result. I tried but none of them works.
.horizontalCellList { display: inline; } --> it doesn't work
.horizontalCellList { display: inline; float:left; } --> it doesn't work either
myCellList.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Display.INLINE_BLOCK); --> doesn't work
myCellList.getElement().getElementsByTagName("li").getItem(i).getStyle().setDisplay(Display.INLINE);also doesn't work
For people who do not know GWT but know CSS/Html, then here is the Html code of CellList, i don't see any <span>
there, they only have <div>
. The trick here is how to make all the <div>
turn to <span>
by JUST using CSS.
<div class="GNOXVT5BEB" __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingblur="true" __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingfocus="true">
<div aria-hidden="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; display: none;">
<div aria-hidden="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; display: none;"></div>
<div aria-hidden="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; display: none;">
<div aria-hidden="true" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; display: none;">
Can anyone provide a good solution?
Based on what Thomas suggested, this is a complete solution
1- myCellList.css
.cellListWidget {
.cellListEvenItem {
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
zoom: 1;
.cellListOddItem {
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
zoom: 1;
.cellListKeyboardSelectedItem {
background: #ffc;
@sprite .cellListSelectedItem {
gwt-image: 'cellListSelectedBackground';
background-color: green;
color: white;
height: auto;
overflow: visible;
2- MyCellListResources.java
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellList;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellList.Style;
public interface MyCellListResources extends CellList.Resources{
public Style cellListStyle();
3- YourMainPresenter.java
CellList<String> myHorizontalCellList = new CellList<String>(myTextCell, GWT.<MyCellListResources> create(MyCellListResources.class));
The code was tested & met your requirement.