I have tried the solutions provided in rich:dataTable paging - marking visited pages of rich:datascroller but it didn't work with rich faces 4.3.4.
I have also tried page attribute of data scroller. Here's my code implementing page attribute of datascroller.
<h:form id="mainForm">
<rich:dataScroller for="itemDataTable" maxPages="30" execute="itemDataTable" page="#{itemsController.pageIndex}"/>
<rich:dataTable rowKeyVar="rkVar" rows="15" id="itemDataTable" value="#{itemsController.itemDM}" var="r">
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:outputText id="pageNumberOutPutText" value="#{itemsController.pageIndex}"/>
<h:column id="setValue">
<h:inputText id="finalItem" valueChangeListener="#{itemsController.recalculate()}" value="#{r.items.prices}"/>
<!-- other columns -->
<rich:dataScroller for="itemDataTable" maxPages="30" execute="itemDataTable" page="#{itemsController.pageIndex}"/>
I have respective getters and setters in my itemsController class and with following scope:
with pageIndex intially set to 1.
private int pageIndex = 1;
And I tried to alert the current page number using:
alert('You are in page : ' + $('#mainForm\\:itemDataTable\\:pageNumberOutPutText').val());
But it alerts only 1. Also the outputText in the datatable footer shows only 1 even if I click next page or click other pages.
Above all, all I wanted to do is alert the current page number using JQuery. I also dont want to use getters and setters for this, if possible. I really wanted to know how to get the current page number using Jquery.
Specify region to re-render with ajax request to update appropriate parts of the view. E.g.:
<rich:dataScroller render="pageNumberOutPutText"/>