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Jquery-steps library and GoToStep function

I came across function in jquery.steps.js library :

 * Routes to a specific step by a given index.
 * @static
 * @private
 * @method goToStep
 * @param wizard {Object} The jQuery wizard object
 * @param options {Object} Settings of the current wizard
 * @param state {Object} The state container of the current wizard
 * @param index {Integer} The position (zero-based) to route to
 * @return {Boolean} Indicates whether the action succeeded or failed
function goToStep(wizard, options, state, index)
    if (index < 0 || index >= state.stepCount)

    if (options.forceMoveForward && index < state.currentIndex)

    var oldIndex = state.currentIndex;
    if (wizard.triggerHandler("stepChanging", [state.currentIndex, index]))
        // Save new state
        state.currentIndex = index;
        saveCurrentStateToCookie(wizard, options, state);

        // Change visualisation
        refreshStepNavigation(wizard, options, state, oldIndex);
        refreshPagination(wizard, options, state);
        loadAsyncContent(wizard, options, state);
        startTransitionEffect(wizard, options, state, index, oldIndex);

        wizard.triggerHandler("stepChanged", [index, oldIndex]);
        wizard.find(".steps li").eq(oldIndex).addClass("error");

    return true;

I would like to use this function so every time user submit a form on step 3 in the wizzard he would not be redirected again to step 1 but to stay at step 3.

Bellow is mine script:

                headerTag: "h3",
                bodyTag: "section",
                transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
                onStepChanging: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex)
                    $("#form-2").validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden";
                    return $("#form-2").valid();
                onFinishing: function (event, currentIndex)
                    $("#form-2").validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled";
                    return $("#form-2").valid();
                onFinished: function (event, currentIndex)
                    $('<input />').attr('type', 'hidden')
                    .attr('value', 'true')
            <? if ($_POST['submit'])
                   echo "$(\"wizard-2\").goToStep(this, ,3,0);"?>

But I believe my execution of this function is pretty bad cause it ain't work. Could anyone help me out with this script?


  • I figured out it myself. Problem was pretty easy and it was about setting correctly attribute startIndex like:

    if (Env::value('generate'))
        echo "startIndex: \"2\",";