After recently re-installing pydev (3rd party eclipse plugin), I was surprised to find that folding doesn't work for some large files (25k+ lines). I used another (recent) version of pydev previously and folding worked fine. After quite some wondering/googling/fumbling through menus I stumbled upon :
Pydev Changelog: Code folding marks won't be shown on really large files for performance reasons
The files I'm working with did have folds in a 2.x release I had at that time, but the changelog states they were disabled under version 1.5.7. I am absolutely sure they worked in a more recent version. Could be a conflict with another plugin ?
The real question is how do I force the folding feature to be enabled on big files (exactly where it is needed most that is) ?
An answer in the form of a patch - or just an indication of where in pydev code can this be disabled will be enough - if it is not possible via the GUI
Eclipse Kepler - up to date
2014.01.03 17.27: after so much time being unable to touch the thing I decided to install the latest pydev ( Lo and behold the folding markers are back on my 30000 lines file. I close this for now.
Still interested in an answer in my original question - if some developer pops in and clarifies the situation I would accept it as an answer