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Binding a generic member function

Sometimes I need to bind some member functions to its calling object, to treat member functions and non-member functions in the same homogeneous way. For example (The tipical callback example):

#include <vector>
#include <functional>

void f(int){}

struct foo
    void f(int){}

int main()
    using namespace std::placeholders;

    foo my_foo;
    std::vector<std::function<void()>> functions;

    functions.push_back( f );
    functions.push_back( std::bind( &foo::f , my_foo , _1 ) );

    for( auto& function : functions )

As more parameters the member function has, more placeholders we need to put inside the std::bind() call.

Now consider a generic version of that. There shouldn't be problem, isn't?:

#include <vector>
#include <functional>

void f(int){}

struct foo
    void f(int){}

template<typename FIRST , typename SECOND , typename THIRD>
class callback_list
    using callback_t = std::function<void(FIRST,SECOND,THIRD>)>;

    //Overload for non-member handlers:
    void add( const callback_t& handler )
        _handlers.push_back( handler );

    //Overload for member handlers:
    template<typename CLASS>
    void add( CLASS& object_ref , 
                      void(CLASS::*member_function)( FIRST,SECOND,THIRD ) )
        using namespace std::placeholders;

        _handlers.push_back( std::bind( member_function , 
                                        std::ref( object_ref ) , 
                                        _1 , _2 , _3

    template<typename... ARGS>
    void operator()( ARGS&&... args )
        for( auto& handler : _handlers )
            handler( std::forward<ARGS>( args )... );

    std::vector<callback_t> functions;

void f(int,int,int){}

struct foo
    void f(int,int,int){}

int main()
    using namespace std::placeholders;

    foo my_foo;
    callback_list<int,int,int> callbacks;

    callbacks.add( f );
    callbacks.add( my_foo , &foo::f );


Ok. The add() overload for member callbacks just binds the object to the member function, and because the callbacks are of three parameters, we use three placeholders.

But consider this: What if the callbacks have any number of parameters?.
In other words, what I have to do if the callback_list class template is defined with a variadic template?:

template<typename... ARGS>
class callback_list{ ... };

How can I bind a variadic function with any function parameter known at the point of the std::bind() call, i.e., with an unspecified number of placeholders?


  • To work with std::bind, we need to somehow supply a certain amount of placeholders, depending on the amount of function parameters of the callback. I've described a way here how you can do that, by creating a generator for placeholders:

    template<int> struct placeholder_template {};

    By partially specializing std::is_placeholder for the above template, std::bind sees the instantiations placeholder_template<N> as placeholder types. With the usual indices trick, we then expand placeholder_template<0>{}, placeholder<1>{}, ...., placeholder<N-1>{}, where N is the number of function parameters.

    template<typename... Params>
    class callback_list
        using callback_t = std::function<void(Params...)>;
        //Overload for non-member handlers:
        void add( const callback_t& handler )
            _handlers.push_back( handler );
        //Overload for member handlers:
        template<typename CLASS, int... Is>
        void add( CLASS& object_ref , 
                  void(CLASS::*member_function)( Params... ) ,
                  int_sequence<Is...> )
            using namespace std::placeholders;
            _handlers.push_back( std::bind( member_function , 
                                            std::ref( object_ref ) , 
        template<typename CLASS>
        void add( CLASS& object_ref , 
                  void(CLASS::*member_function)( Params... ) )
            add( object_ref, member_function,
                 make_int_sequence<sizeof...(Params)>{} );
        template<typename... ARGS>
        void operator()( ARGS&&... args )
            for( auto& handler : _handlers )
                handler( std::forward<ARGS>( args )... );
        std::vector<callback_t> _handlers;

    The code for the placeholder generator and the integer sequence, from the other answer:

    template<int...> struct int_sequence {};
    template<int N, int... Is> struct make_int_sequence
        : make_int_sequence<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
    template<int... Is> struct make_int_sequence<0, Is...>
        : int_sequence<Is...> {};
    template<int> // begin with 0 here!
    struct placeholder_template
    #include <functional>
    #include <type_traits>
    namespace std
        template<int N>
        struct is_placeholder< placeholder_template<N> >
            : integral_constant<int, N+1> // the one is important

    Using C++14, one can use std::index_sequence_for<Params...> instead of custom make_int_sequence<sizeof...(Params)>.

    Side remark: If you want to accept member functions with cv- and ref-qualifiers, you could use a very general "pattern" like

    template<class C, class T>
    void add(C& ref, T fun);

    and restrict via SFINAE. Here's a trait that lets you deduce the number of parameters from such a function pointer (via tuple_size).