I have a javascript file called in my webpage. It contains only one var :
var tab = [ "img1.jpg" ,
"img2.jpg" ,
.......... ,
in tab
are from my data base.
I've written a php code to update this file.
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$script="var tab= [\n";
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) )
$script .= "\t\"" . $r['name']"\",\n";
$script = $script."];\n";
$fileName = fopen("js/tab.js", "w");
fwrite($fileName, $script);
When I check out my js file, all is correctly written, but when I reload my page, nothing has changed.
Curiously, when I edit that js file manually, and then save it then my webpage changes after reload.
Why ? And how to solve it ? Thanks
You might be writing your file in a different location. Check the current directory under which the php page is run, and try to specify an absolute path to fopen rather than a relative one.
will return the path to the folder where the current php file is stored, so you can generate absolute paths through that.
Edit: I'd also suggest doing some error checking around fopen, so that you know if the file was really opened.
You should really change your mysql_*
calls to at least mysqli_*
or PDO. The original mysql extension is old, doesn't support prepared statements and has been deprecated (and is due for removal).