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Where am I supposed to call the method connection.Open() using C#?

Hi I am trying to get data from a database shown in a textbox. Doing this I have created three classes: Dal, Controller and TestForm. The thing is that I dont really know where to open the connection nor where to close it. This is what I've done.

In the class Dal I have:

  using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Data.Odbc;

    namespace TestingDatabaseConnection
        class Dal
    private SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection();

        public SqlConnection GetConnection()

            if (connection == null)
               connection.ConnectionString = "Server=Mnemonics-DAT;Database=mem;    Integrated Security = true;";

            return connection;

     public SqlDataReader GetData() 
            SqlDataReader sqlReads = null;

                SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from table_name", GetConnection());
                 sqlReads = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

            return sqlReads;


In the class Controller I have:

 using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace TestingDatabaseConnection
    class Controller
        private Dal dal = new Dal();

        public SqlDataReader GetData()
            return dal.GetData();

and finally in the form:

public partial class TestForm : Form
Controller controll; 

public TestForm()
    controll = new Controller();

private void showBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlDataReader sqlReader = controll.GetData();
        while (sqlReader.Read())
            infTxtBox.Text = sqlReader.ToString();
    catch (Exception e1)
        MessageBox.Show("Something is wrong: " + e1);



The message I get says "Something is wrong: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.

What I have tried to do to solve the problem(in the class Dal):

Making a property that gets the connection value like this:

public SqlConnection Connect
            return connection;

And then using it in the method GetData():

 public SqlDataReader GetData() 
            SqlDataReader sqlReads = null;
                 //I call the method Open() here
                SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from table_name", GetConnection());
                sqlReads = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error is: " + e);
                //and close it here
            return sqlReads;


The error message I get now says: "Something is wrong: Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed" While referring to the class TestForm.


  • Problem is here:

    if (connection == null)
         connection.ConnectionString = "Server=Mnemonics-DAT;Database=mem;    Integrated Security = true;";

    Your connection can't be null because you initializing it before calling GetConnection method.Instead check your connection string:

    if(connection.ConnectionString == "")
        connection.ConnectionString = "Server=Mnemonics-DAT;Database=mem;    Integrated Security = true;";

    Probably it would better if you use using statements,it will automatically Dispose your Connection object when it's job is done, just define a connection string variable then use:

    string connString = "Server=Mnemonics-DAT;Database=mem; Integrated Security = true";
    using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
    using(var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from table_name", conn))
          sqlReads = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();