I have a data frame rep
that looks like this:
> head(rep)
position chrom value label
[1,] "17408" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
[2,] "17409" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
[3,] "17410" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
[4,] "17411" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
[5,] "17412" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
[6,] "17413" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
How can I remove the quotation marks from all elements?
Note: rep$position
and rep$value
should be numeric
type, rep$chrom
and rep$label
should be character
As indicated by @Roland, you have a matrix
, not a data.frame
, and these have different default print
methods. Sticking with a matrix
, you can set quote = FALSE
explicitly in print
or you can use noquote
Here is a basic example:
## Sample data
x <- matrix(c(17, "chr1", 0, "miRNA", 18, "chr1", 0, "miRNA"), nrow = 2,
byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(
NULL, c("position", "chrom", "value", "label")))
## Default printing
# position chrom value label
# [1,] "17" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
# [2,] "18" "chr1" "0" "miRNA"
## Two options to make the quotes disappear
print(x, quote = FALSE)
# position chrom value label
# [1,] 17 chr1 0 miRNA
# [2,] 18 chr1 0 miRNA
# position chrom value label
# [1,] 17 chr1 0 miRNA
# [2,] 18 chr1 0 miRNA
Also, as you figured out on your own, converting your matrix
to a data.frame
makes the quotes disappear. A data.frame
is a more appropriate structure to hold your data if each column is a different type of data (numeric, character, factor, and so on). However, converting a matrix
to a data.frame
does not take care of the conversion of columns for you automatically. Instead, you can make use of type.convert
(which is also used when creating a data.frame
using read.table
and family):
y <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 4 variables:
# $ position: chr "17" "18"
# $ chrom : chr "chr1" "chr1"
# $ value : chr "0" "0"
# $ label : chr "miRNA" "miRNA"
y[] <- lapply(y, type.convert)
# 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 4 variables:
# $ position: int 17 18
# $ chrom : Factor w/ 1 level "chr1": 1 1
# $ value : int 0 0
# $ label : Factor w/ 1 level "miRNA": 1 1
# position chrom value label
# 1 17 chr1 0 miRNA
# 2 18 chr1 0 miRNA