This is my code for the ROT13 cipher. It works with upper case but when i give in hello as the input , it returns [X__b can anyone help me out here ...
void encrypt(char *cipher,int key)
int i = 0;
while(cipher[i] != '\n')
if((cipher[i] + key) > 'Z' || (cipher[i] + key) > 'z')
cipher[i] = cipher[i] + key - 26;
else if((cipher[i] + key) >= 'a' && (cipher[i] + key) <= 'z')
cipher[i] = cipher[i] + key;
else if((cipher[i] + key) >= 'A' && (cipher[i] + key) <= 'Z')
cipher[i] = cipher[i] + key;
This condition
f((cipher[i] + key) > 'Z' || (cipher[i] + key) > 'z')
will be true for ALL lowercase letters, the second part (cipher[i] + key) > 'z'
being redundant