I am attempting to store a variable length number that can have leading zeros as a part of that number.
Is there a class in the .NET framework capable of storing values like this without losing information about leading zeros, and could surpass the upper limit of a long?
I am currently storing them in a class like this, is there any way I could write this class better in the event there isn't some struct or class available in the BCL:
public class Number
public int[] Array { get; set; }
public int Length { get { return Array.Length; } }
public Number(string number)
Array = new int[number.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < number.Length; i++)
Array[i] = Convert.ToInt32(number[i].ToString());
public Number(int[] array)
Array = array;
public int ToInt()
return Convert.ToInt32(ToString());
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Array.Length);
foreach (int i in Array)
return sb.ToString();
The ability to use this as a struct would be very useful, as would the ability to check equality easily.
Items in bold/italic are the requirements of such a class.
I'd suggest taking a look at this question about big integers in C#. You could expand them for the leading zeros issue.