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in MySQL Command Line, how do I paste from the clipboard using only the keyboard?

Hi I'm learning MySQL using MySQL Workbench Command Line Client v 5.6 in Windows 7.

I type my commands into a text editor, then from the text edtor I copy them onto the clipboard. To paste them into the Command Line Client (CLC) I must right click with the mouse and go to "paste" in the context menu.

I would like to forgo the mouse entirely. But in the CLC, none of the Windows keyboard shortcuts seem to work. CTRL+V for example produces "^v" while SHIFT+INSERT does nothing.

Is there a keyboard shortcut for "paste"?


  • Although this question is clearly not a programming question this a way you can do this.

    First you start by selecting the window with the command line. This can be done by alt + tab. Then when the command line windows is active you can paste the content of your clipboard with: alt + space Then go trough the menu with e and then p. The letters will dependent on the language from your windows OS.