I am working on a page where I can view images. I want to create a rotation tool. I've done that, but, it's not working consistently. When I set up the centre point to rotate by, the image jumps slightly, and it gets worse each time. I was experimenting, and, I have code to add a wedge to the top left corner of my top level group ( so, at 0,0 ). If I rotate the image by 45 degrees and drag it so that half of it is off the left edge of my canvas, then I call getAbsolutePosition on the wedge and on the group, I get these values:
layer.getAbsolutePosition() Object {x: 104.66479545850302, y: 279.2748571151325} wedge.getAbsolutePosition() Object {x: 180.2684127179338, y: -73.48773356791764}
I think this means my y position is actually the bottom of the image, which is off screen.
What I want to do, is calculate the absolute position of the middle of my image, when the mouse moves over it, regardless of it's rotation. I have some code that works out points with rotation, which seems like it works at first, almost, but it just gets more and more broken the more I use the tool. I feel like there's something about how Kinetic is tracking these things and what it's reporting, that I am missing. Any hints would be most appreciated. Tutorials I can read are even better ( yes, I've read everything linked from the KineticJS site and searched the web ).
In a nutshell, the question is, if I have an image inside a group, and it's rotated, how do I work out the centre point of the image, taking the rotation in to account, and how do I set the offset so it will rotate from that point, and stay in the same place ?
As you've discovered about KinetiJS:
After you drag your image you must reset its rotation point (offsetX/offsetY).
KineticJS makes dragging+rotation more difficult than it has to be.
Resetting the offset points of your image will cause KineticJS to automatically move your image (Noooo!!).
That's what's causing your jumping.
The solution to the "jumping" problem:
When you reset the image's rotation point (offsetX/OffsetY) you must also reset the image's X/Y position.
This code resets both XY and Offsets for an image after dragging:
A Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/m9Nw7/
// calc new position and offset
var pos=rect.getPosition();
var size=rect.getSize();
var offset=rect.getOffset();
var newX=pos.x-offset.x+size.width/2;
var newY=pos.y-offset.y+size.height/2;
// reset both position and offset