Search code examples

why my textbox doesnot return any proper value in jquery?

I have created this controller for for getting existing value by searching id. this is my controller for searching data by id. this code is running well but result is not acceptable. i am new in jquery that's why i am explaining this very helpfully..

   public string Search(string id=null)
                string[] ci = new string[9];
                //return "Artistry";

                string cn = null;
                cn = Request.QueryString["id"];
                if (cn != null)
                    ClientInfo c = db.SingleOrDefault<ClientInfo>("where CId='" + cn + "'");
                    if (c != null)
                       // ci[0] = c.CId.ToString();
                        ci[1] = c.CName;
                        ci[2] = c.CCName;
                        ci[3] = c.PhoneNo.ToString();
                        ci[4] = c.Fax;
                        ci[5] = c.Email;
                        ci[6] = c.Address;
                        ci[7] = c.PostalCode.ToString();
                        ci[8] = c.Country;
                        return ci[5];
                        return null;
                    return null;

My view page script for showing my data..

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#CId').blur(function () {
            var v = $('#CId').val();
            var url = "/Clients/Search/" + v;
          //  alert("Test : " + url);
            $.get(url, function (data, status) {
                alert("Test : " + data + " Status :" + status);


And finally my sql server database for showing data in views are..

  FROM [test].[dbo].[ClientInfo]


  • I think you should return json type data like so:

    public JsonResult Search(string id=null)
             // view code
                 return Json(new {info=ci[5]});

    And client code:

    $.get(url, function (data, status) {
                    alert("Test : " + + " Status :" + status);