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Spring-Data-JPA with QueryDslPredicateExecutor and Joining into a collection

Let's say I have a data model like this (pseudocode):

Person {
    List<PersonAttribute> attributes;

PersonAttribute {
    AttributeName attributeName;

    String attributeValue;

AttributeName {
    String name;

I have a Spring-Data-JPA repository defined such as:

public interface PersonRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Person, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Person>{}

I see in the QueryDSL documentation that there is a mechanism to Join from the Person to the PersonAttribute, but it looks like you need access to the QueryDsl Query object, which the client of the repository wouldn't have.

What I would like to do with my Predicate is to find all those Persons that have an AttributeValue (there's one join) with a value of "blue" and an AttributeName (there's another join) with a name of "eyecolor". I'm not sure how I would do that with an any() and enforce that I only get those with eye_color=blue and not those with shoe_color=blue.

I was hoping I could do something like this:

QPerson person = QPerson.person;
QPersonAttribute attribute = person.attributes.any();

Predicate predicate ="jo")
    .and(attribute.attributeName().name.toLowerCase().eq("eye color")

but with the any() in there it just matches anything with an attribute value of "blue" and anything with an "eye color" attribute regardless of color. How I can make those conditions apply to the same attribute within the set?


  • You can't directly join a column in a predicate but you can create an any() expressions like this


    This approach has the restriction that the join expression QPerson.person.attributes.any() can be used in only one filter. It has though the benefit that this expression is internally converted into a subquery which doesn't conflict with paging.

    For multiple restrictions you will need to construct a subquery expression explicitly like this

    QPersonAttribute attribute = QPersonAttribute.personAttribute;
    new JPASubQuery().from(attribute)
               attribute.attributeName().name.toLowerCase().eq("eye color"),

    In addition to QueryDslPredicateExecutor you can also use Querydsl queries via Spring Data like this

    public class CustomerRepositoryImpl
     extends QuerydslRepositorySupport
     implements CustomerRepositoryCustom {
        public Iterable<Customer> findAllLongtermCustomersWithBirthday() {
            QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;
            return from(customer)

    Example taken from here