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ImageJ API: how to change the framerate when writing AVI

I would like to use the AVI_Writer from the ImageJ API in my java program. However, even though I can automate the movie writing, I haven't found out how to change the framerate when using the method:

writeImage(ImagePlus imp, java.lang.String path, int compression, int jpegQuality)

Any idea?



  • If you look at the menu command for saving as AVI, it has an option to set the frame rate, which is taken from a setting hidden in Image > Stacks > Tools > Animation Options... in the menu.

    Using the command finder, which you can invoke by typing [L], you find the sources for these two commands:

    • File > Save As > AVI... => ij.plugin.filter.AVI_Writer
    • Image > Stacks > Tools > Animation Options... => ij.plugin.Animator("options")

    The command finder provides a handy button that directly links to the source files, have a look here and here. You'll find that the frame rate setting is stored as fps in the Calibration of the ImagePlus.