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erlang: automatically launch/stop applications for tests

have some function which performs html parsing of some content from web page.
I want to write some set of tests for it. In tests I'm going to fetch html content via httpc:request and pass it to my function with result validation in the end. But http client required application inets to be launched. After reading some docs about EUnit I came up with next chunk of code:


start() ->

stop(_) ->

do_smth(_) ->
  [?_assert(true =:= true)].

do_some_test_() ->
  {"Performs some default parsing stuff!",
      fun start/0,
      fun stop/1,
      fun do_smth/1


erlc dparser_tests.erl && erl -noshell -pa -eval "eunit:test(dparser)" -s init stop

and output is

*** context setup failed ***

  Failed: 0.  Skipped: 0.  Passed: 0.
One or more tests were cancelled

UPDATE problem was in typo in inets:start()


  • You have a typo in the start() function. Replace intets with inets and the error will go away.