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rebar3 install plugins failed

Env: rebar 3.6.0 on Erlang/OTP 21 Erts 10.0 Ubuntu 16.04
When I try to install the rebar3 pulgins (such as rebar3_hex), it reports:

===> Package <<"rebar3_hex">> not found. Fetching registry updates and trying again... ===> Updating package registry... ===> Plugin rebar3_hex not available. It will not be used.

There is only one line in my ~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config: {plugins, [rebar3_hex]}.
as recommended in and

I can't get more useful information from google, rebar3 doc and existed question here.

So, I open a new question to ask Why and How to resolve it.

ps: I use proxychains for rebar3, it reports |DNS-response| is
inet_gethost[10708]: WARNING:Malformed reply (header) from worker process 10709.


  • In my case, it's fixed when set proxy environmental variable(http_proxy) instead of use proxychains.