I do not have access to the internet from eclipse so I can not add software using update sites. I have tried several different methods but none seems to be working.
I am using the JBoss Dev Studio version of kepler, but I figured this might be a general eclipse question.
Tried Help- Install New Software - Add... - browse to zip file and I get "could not find jar:file:/blahblahblah/jautodoc_1.10.0.zip!/" Nothing.
Tried unzipping it so we end up with eclipse/dropins/jautodoc_1.10.0/[features | plugins followed by restart. Nothing.
Tried unzipping it so we end up with eclipse/dropins/[features | plugins] followed by restart. Still nothing.
What is the definitive way to do this?
I finally figured it out. The correct place to install the plugin and features folders is in
I had to create the dropins and jautodoc folders.
Perhaps it goes without saying that you can name the sub-folder containing features and plugins to whatever you want.