I'm attempting to upload graphs made/edited in Cloud Connect to GoodData via the api. I have been trying to use this call: http://docs.gooddata.apiary.io/#cloudconnectprocesses
The actual call I'm making has the json {"process": {"path": "/uploads/Bonobos_v6-1.grf", "name": "Bonobos Prod"}}
However, when I try to run this, it fails with
"error": {
"errorClass": "com.gooddata.msf.processes.InvalidProcessException",
"trace": "",
"message": "Can not read from file \"/uploads/Bonobos_v6-1.grf\"",
"component": "MSF",
"errorId": "83090caa-31c9-4ce2-bb79-040d5c4d2421",
"errorCode": "gdc1151",
"parameters": []
Is there a specific way of creating a "process" that then needs to get uploaded to the server? I've tried both zip files of multiple graphs and individual .grf files, but to no avail. I'm also assuming that the error does not mean that GoodData can't see the file, but that would certainly explain some things.
First of all you have to check where is your project located(na1 or secure). If your project resides on na1 follow this procedure:
curl -k -T zippedCcProject.zip https://my_login%40company.com:my_password@na1-di.gooddata.com/uploads/zippedCcProject.zip