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Change remote windows host's screen resolution via SSH

I am trying to modify the remote windows host's screen resolution via SSH. Firstly, i use python to write a little script to change local desktop's resolution.

import win32api
dm = win32api.EnumDisplaySettings(None, 0)
dm.PelsHeight = 1024    
dm.PelsWidth = 1280

win32api.ChangeDisplaySettings(dm, 0)

And then, use pyinstaller to build it as standalone .exe file, put the outputted file to remote host, and execute the tool via SSH.

import paramiko

ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(remote_win_host_ip, username= host_user, password=host_pswd)
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command('/cygdrive/e/test/change_screen_res.exe')

Meanwhile, i write a script to show the current resolution, and use it on remote host in the same way.

from win32api import GetSystemMetrics

print "width =", GetSystemMetrics (0)
print "height =",GetSystemMetrics (1)

However, I find that the resolution of remote host is always 1024*768.

How can I modify the resolution?



  • It seems that Windows does not support such operation at all. I tried many different ssh clients and screen resolution modification tools, none worked.

    However, thanks to Jenkins slave agent and refer to jenkins-on-windows-and-gui-tests-without-rdc, there is a workaround for it.