Argh! I'm back, guys! I hate having to bother others with my issues, but I've been working on this for like 3 days now.
Using the Chat Application example, I molded it into my game. The client and server connect appropriately but... My client is having some trouble. :/
public static void appendText(RichTextBox box, string line)
if (box == null || box.IsDisposed)
box.AppendText(line + Environment.NewLine);
// Program.debug.print("Something went wrong.");
The AppendText line keeps throwing an exception (InvalidOperationException). I commented out the try-catch, hoping the compiler would give me more advice on what's wrong and maybe how to fix it, but I get no where with its help.
In the examples, I can run that code without getting this error. I don't know where I went wrong here.
Oh, AppendText is called by...
public static void GotMessage(object peer)
NetIncomingMessage im;
while ((im = s_client.ReadMessage()) != null)
// handle incoming message
switch (im.MessageType)
case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage:
case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage:
case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage:
case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage:
string text = im.ReadString();
//TextControl.appendText(menuWindow.richTextBoxStatus, text);
case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged:
NetConnectionStatus status = (NetConnectionStatus)im.ReadByte();
/*if (status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
//if (status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected)
//s_form.button2.Text = "Connect";
string reason = im.ReadString();
Program.printStatus(status.ToString() + ": " + reason);
case NetIncomingMessageType.Data:
// incoming packet from the server, handle data
int size = im.ReadInt32();
byte[] bData = im.ReadBytes(size);
string data = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bData);
Program.printStatus("Unhandled type: " + im.MessageType + " " + im.LengthBytes + " bytes");
where printToChat or printStatus are found. Those methods contain the calls to AppendText.
I tried to post to the Lidgren Google Group when the error first popped up, but I haven't gotten a response back from them, so I'm hoping people here could have the information I seek. :)
I can provide more information and code if needed (as always, heh).
(I did Google how to make thread-safe calls to UI elements, but the code was just too confusing to comprehend. When I finally thought I implemented a solution, it just refused to work at all..)
Pfft, look at me, figuring things out.
I was able to successfully add delegate methods to my forms so that they can be access across threads. Or so I'm led to believe. The code now functions as intended.
I coooould add code, to show what I did. And I will if anyone needs help with this type of problem. I think I'm capable of explaining it, but MSDN works wonders.
As always, I just had to ask the question, and read comments to be led in the right direction.
I really need to stop asking questions I end up answering days later. :/
I'm sooo sorry. I feel really bad for taking up space and wasting time.
edit: I've also written a very clever way of circumventing needing to use delegates. However, it requires the use of a timer, or a loop that also repaints the windows form every now and then (I've used a timer).