my json object starts with an object, then contains an array of the object I want { "myObjectArray":[ {....} , {....} , {....} ] }
, I have made the model file for the object represented in {....}
, how do I get this generic collection code to not assume my root element is an array without making a new nested object file
This is what I currently have,
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<T>>() {
List<T> yourClassList = new Gson().fromJson(jsonArray, listType);
but this assumes that my json object is constructed like this [{....}, {....}, {....}]
instead of the way I detailed above
Therefore, parsing returns a JsonSyntaxException java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2
Without creating a pointless model object that contains one variable "myObjectArray"
which contains a List of myObject
, how would I modify a GSON builder to accomodate?
(I am using android so I can't use a lot of the Oracle JVM reflection methods, including ParameterizedTypeImpl
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
mGson = builder.enableComplexMapKeySerialization().create();
listType = new TypeToken<Map<String, List<T>>>() {}.getType();
parsedGSON = mGson.fromJson(reader, listType);
is the answer
GSON creates a LinkedTreeMap object